How To Submit Articles So That Article Directories Love You

A Few Things You Should Know Before Submitting Articles

Hi hope your Internet marketing and on line activities are progressing well. I really want to bang on a bit more about article marketing because its an area that  I have been heavily involved in and consider a major way to drive traffic to our sites, so here goes …

If you want to submit articles to article directories, then, you have to provide interesting and unique content that visitors want to read and web masters will like to use.

What’s Your Strategy ?

Develop Your Own ‘Pulling Power’

As a writer your objectives are those of increasing your business (website/blog) exposure and your own individual standing in whatever niche you are in. But ultimately you just want to reach more people and make them refer back to your web site because of the strength of your content, i.e. they want more!

This strategy is the basics of article marketing. But, there are a few things you should know before you submit articles. You need to consider such issues before you begin to build any article marketing strategy you have in mind.

Bend The Rules At Your Peril

Every directory has its editorial rules or guidelines. Before you submit articles, carefully check these guidelines. Editorial guidelines will stipulate the dos and don’ts of the directory. Failure to comply with them will mean your article submission won’t be accepted. Most directories insist on original content. They frown at duplicate content and that is why your article is not automatically accepted once you submit it. They will have to check on its originality. Article directories also only accept articles that are properly written with minimal grammatical and spelling errors as a rule.

There are special rules for the number of links that you are allowed to incorporate in the article content.   In general, three links are more than enough to ensure good traffic to your web site and still follow the policy of the article directory.

Wake Up – This is Important

OK listen up this is the real important bit – There is the resource box found at the end of most articles which gives you the opportunity to guide readers to your website. A resource box could make or mar the original objective of writing the article. You NEED to get it right, simple tip – check out the most popular articles on a directory in your niche and see what their resource box looks like – simple, job done.

If you plan on submitting your articles manually, use your name (sometimes people use pen names and that’s ok) but remember what you are doing this for, you are building ‘you’ as a brand and building your reputation within whatever field or niche in which you operate.

Choose Wisely & Don’t Waste Your Time

Consider which directories you’re submitting to, submitting articles to pretty irrelevant web directories is a waste of time and hardly beneficial. Bare in mind some article directories are like a flash-in-the-pan meaning they are here today and tomorrow they are gone. You only need your articles in the quality directories and these are not too many. That is why it is not always a good idea to purchase article directory submitters, you can end up not necessarily getting improved results even if you’ve submitted through a submitter to loads of small directories. Certainly to start concentrate on the main ones.

Be consistent in the way you submit content; articles need to be continuously added to directories in order for you to gain more back links and improve traffic considerably.

Why Backlinks ?

When you submit articles you gain back links and each site where your content is displayed opens several others sites, which in turn bring more exposure and so on and so forth, in a manner recognized as geometric progression. That is the reason why the articles you write have to be top notch. Web visitors and search engines are hungry for fresh informative content. Give them what they want and you make money through increased traffic and targeted visitors to your site.

In conclusion, the main benefits that result from article marketing are that when you submit articles you gain life-time links, extensive exposure for your web pages, interested visitors to your web site and you save money by keeping the use of other advertising mediums to a minimum. Articles are cheap to write, submit and use, therefore, they make the perfect solution to spread word about your business.










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