Getting your web host is another vital part of getting your online business up and running. If you’re wondering what a web host is, another name for it is an ISP, It’s the same as you would use for you internet service at home, but the key difference here is that this is business and not for personnel use so get yourself ready for some fundamental differences.
You first decision when deciding on a web host is looking at what you want from your business and what you want to do long term. If you want your business to run smoothly you will need to make sure you find a host with a good reputation.
Make the right decisions – I’ve been with mine for 14 years!

Don’t Go into it blind – check out your needs First!
Do your research and see what people are saying about the web host online. The worst thing that could happen is spending your time struggling with an unreliable host. Looking at billing, customer service and other areas will give you an idea if your host is a good place to host your site.
After you’ve decide who your webhost will be it’s time to put in a call out to them and put a plan in place. The first thing you will need to do is to evaluate your budget. When you’re talking to the representative and they are listing out plans they may sound very attractive but they may exceed your price range. If you wait you will find a plan that is within your price range, so don’t worry.
You can help yourself when talking to the webhost by giving them some information about your needs online. Things that you need to consider are traffic, number of visitors to the site and space required. You can get the web hosting representative to help you with any of these things.
When you have sorted out your requirements and the price involved in the plan you’re nearly finished. What you need to discuss now is any additional fees or where your site will be hosted. You will need to find out if you have pop access if the host is not local. The monthly data transfer bandwidth fee is also an important thing to consider before you sign up. Find out what you need and what the prices are if you go over your allowance. When everything is sorted you are ready to sign up.
Help, start, scale and grow both mine & other online businesses
Developing a business on line can be frustrating, I’ve tried it several times and I’m sorry to say I’ve given up, lives got in the way etc. and then I’ve gone to seminars, bought another shiny thing in a box and failed again.
email me: startinternetmarketingonline1@gmail.com