Organizing is the key to Time Management.
Now this is fact that I think would not raise any arguments. If you are better organized you have a better chance of managing your time effectively. So, what is this art of getting organized? There have been enough and more books written about the art of getting organized. And I do not want to give my modest contribution to this much hyped about topic.
Instead of working on somebody else’s definition let me ask you, how organized do you want to be? When we talk about getting organized people generally get an impression of a spick and span office with not a paper out of place. But my experience has taught me that a neat office does not necessarily have to be a very organized office. If you throw away every single piece of paper that comes to your office, certainly your office will be neat but not organized. I believe that organizing is a relative term. It is all a matter of convenience.
In an organized office there will be a place for everything and everything will be in its place. But at the same time, you should be able to lay your hands on the object you need the moment you need it. And in this respect a little bit of clutter is ok.
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And it is not enough that you know where everything is, somebody else should know it too. In case you are not able to come in person and get something, somebody else should be able to do the job for you. It is here that labels and tags can prove to be vital. Every single file should have a name tag and everything should be filed properly. It is not enough that you name things according to your convenience. The names should be intelligible to others as well.
Often, we tend to use codes like ARCS, CRBER, WHOSH which might make sense to us but may sound like double Dutch to everyone else. Now that’s enough about office organization.
Let’s now move on to getting yourself organized, more tips to follow
To your success
Three things hold people back
Themselves – Procrastination – Technical Laziness
I can’t do that – YOU CAN
I’ll do it tomorrow – YOU’LL NEVER DO IT – DO IT NOW!
I don’t understand the technology – NOW THAT’S JUST LAZY