How To Market Your Online Presence Through Forums & Blogs

Hi there,

its a funny old world don’t you think? Sometimes you put loads of effort into something expecting to get worthwhile feedback, make some money or whatever and for some reason you just don’t get the results you expect. Now i want to  you all about the FREE methods  I use to ‘market’ our online business, and I’ll come to that in a minute, but first little story ……

Back a long time ago 

I remember when I was about seven or eight and I had this little cart that I used to pull around the garden. Then I suddenly came across the idea that if I could harness up our dog, then she would be able to pull the cart and me around – great idea mmmmm.

Well it all started off well, harness on, mind you she didn’t look too happy about it, then we set off and you know what – within seconds she’d had the harness off and was running across the garden as far away from me as possible. And to this day I’ve never managed to work out how she did it!

Are You Nodding Your head Right Now?

Now I reckon for some of you, you’ve got your website set up, looks nice, some good unique content, keyword researched but the traffic is simply not coming and as a newcomer to internet marketing you don’t understand why – bit like me with the cart and the dog!!

 So what do you do now?

Everyone goes on about ‘marketing’ your site whatever it might be, actual site or blog. All the internet marketers talk about the favoured steps of creating quality, unique content, article marketing, having a series of strong auto responder messages

to build your list if that’s what you want to do

FREE Marketing Fact No.1

Be Visible in the Top Forums

Getting your name ‘known’ by hitting the forums and blogs in your niche and commenting is essential & FREE marketing.

 Well I get that; I’ve been on forums in the past, but not to any great extent. So my task initially was to really get to grips with the top forums and blogs in the Internet marketing arena, so here’s how it went ……

Blimey first you’ve got to establish the ones that are worthwhile, then certainly with the forums you’ll have to register, then you need to understand the terms and conditions, then you have to wait for the email confirmations to come, then you have to activate your membership … and this is all before you can actually post!!

Well I tell you my eyes were very red and bleary by the time I’d done all of that, I reckon its at least a full days work.

Overcome the Mental Block – ‘I don’t want to do this’

I wasn’t that keen to get stuck in and do loads of posting but I tell you once I started I was amazed how many people you can offer really good advice to, help them get started and get over the initial hurdles (lets be honest we’ve all been there!!)

So overall it’s not too tricky, naturally there are posts that I’m not knowledgeable enough to comment over, but that’s fine. But I do get a buzz trying to help people whilst also promoting my own online activity and business.

The only thing that really bugs me is when you’ve registered and then it won’t let you sign in, blimey that is a real pain and so frustrating!!! Has happened to me 5 times straight off, but eventually gets sorted.

Get out there and get noticed!!!



Owner:  Steps To Dot Com


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