How To Grow Your Business through Personal development

Hi There

I know that many of you believe all this personal development stuff is overblown, I used to as well. But you’ve got to keep developing, learning and growing (yep my gut seems to be doing that as well – ha ha!!!)

Getting your personal development growth I.Q. involves mastering the pages you’ve written about yourself into new pages of re-inventing yourself and your circumstances.  It is through doing a consistent assessment of your life, and bravely finding new ways to approach setbacks. Questions about who you are and where you are going are constant within these pages. You have made yourself accountable for your life by writing everything down.

It is easier to take personal responsibility for what happens to you if you acknowledge it with a pen. You cannot grow if you do not know. So much happens to us in the course of a day and can easily be missed as an opportunity for growth. By keeping notes, it can be measured and evaluated. Days can melt into months, and years, leaving us in the exact same spot as we began. And then the moment comes where we wonder why our life didn’t turn out the way we planned.  It is because time moves forward, and so should we.

Consider this self bible your life instructions.

Critique yourself honestly. Applaud the little successes you see, because had you not wrote them down you probably would have missed them entirely. Life is a continual process of renewal and opportunity. To measure your personal development growth I.Q., look back on the pages of yesterday and see if you have climbed ladders or fell steps down.

What can be learned? What is within your power to change?

How will you recreate yourself in small ways tomorrow? Even one step different than the one before begins a new path. By writing all of you down on paper you have made yourself aware of you. Awareness acknowledges our existence in this world.

And finally i hope you like the image at the top – it sums it up – the sky really can be the limit!!.

To your success


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