How to Get More Traffic between Social Media and Your Site

Social media is a powerful tool for sending traffic to your site, but only if you know how to use it wisely. The idea is to get them engaged and build your brand there, and then get them to check out the offerings on your website. There are a few simple methods I’ve found work wonders for doing this.

From Here to There

Now, the idea is that you want plenty of ways for visitors to get to your site from your social media profile, and vice versa. Leading visitors from social media to your site is easy – give them lots of direct links. These can be in your updates and posts, but they should also be in your profile. A surprising number of online businesses fill out profiles halfway or don’t offer any direct links in it. But this is an essential part of your sales funnel. Your helpful or interesting posts get them curious about you so they read your profile. The link there leads them to your site.

Getting them from your site to social media profile is also easy. Place buttons for every social media site you use on every page of your site. Put them in a prominent place where they’ll be easily seen, not just at the bottom. If you really want them to check you out, offer a special discount or deal for becoming a fan, follower, etc.

Offer Different Content

Lots of marketers offer the same content on both their site and their social media profiles. This saves you time and effort, but it gives them no reason to travel from one to the other. What you really should be doing is posting different content on each. Then, tell them that there’s new content up and give them the link.

For example, when you have a new blog post, shoot out a quick update or tweet to let your followers know and entice them to check it out. When new products are posted on your product info page, give them a taste on social media and a link for more info. When you’ve got a new video or infographic on your social media site, put a link to it on your website. Each should have exclusive content that they’ll want to see.

Know Your Purpose

At a fundamental level, if you have a clear goal for each, you’ll know intuitively how to use them. Your website should be for selling your products and services. Social media is for engaging your customers and communicating with them. In fact, you should have a clear goal for each social media site that you use. Make part of that goal to get them to your other social media sites and your website.

What works and what doesn’t? The only way to know for sure is to keep tabs on your analytics. Take note of the content that sends the most traffic and replicate. Always have as your goal to increase this traffic.


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