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I really hope to dispel your fears that creating a product is totally beyond you, because belief me its not, if I can do it anyone can. But & here’s the key you need a plan which you can follow, so lets get started right away…
Right listen up –you’ve really got 3 routes to go:
- Create your product yourself.
- Have someone else create it for you & pay them
- Use Public Domain material
Ok still confused – don’t be, lets go through them one by one and see where we get to:
Product Creation made Simple
Creating you own product sounds really daunting and for many of us including me my initial reaction is ‘absolutely not – can’t do that’. But take a step back, throughout your research you discovered what people within your niche are searching for didn’t you? Now you see how important that research file is!
Go back to that jot down their questions and areas of interest and you know what in some instances you’ll know some answers, possibly some are simple common sense, others, well how do you think you might be able to solve and answer those problems, where can you get the information – think, yep the internet- go search, answer and write them up – suddenly you have created your very own special report – how hard was that!
Have your product created for you.
Still worried about creating your own product? No worries get it created for you. There are websites where your can post your project and get writers, copy writers etc to bid for creating your own product.
One site that I’ve used is www.elance.com. Go & check it out its now changed its name having merged with another one i think, now called https://www.upwork.com/ But don’t fret both links still work.
Here’s a book I had written (using a pen name) a few years ago

Now don’t just jump in, there are some things you need to do first . But believe me its quite possible to have a professionally written e-book created for you for a very reasonable fee. So watch out for those Top Tips that I give you in some of my other posts on this blog – just go to the category “outsourcing” and “info product creation” and you’ll find loads of stuff there
Use public domain material.
What is public domain material I hear you ask – basically its published works that are not covered by copyright laws anymore. Note some information out there has always been in the public domain and never copyright.
Basically the fundamental rule you need to understand is: All works published in the US before 1923 are free of copyright and therefore public domain. Now in many niches there will have been books written about that subject that are freely available for you to download, re-package, write a new foreword, insert photos, produce special reports from and suddenly you have your own product – how cool is that.
The bottom line is you need to be exploring all opportunities that the internet has to offer, you really do – and yes there’s time involved but if you subscribed to the beleive that having an online business was “rags to riches” with little work then sorry I’ve just burst your bubble – that’s for day dreamers.
Ok guys that it for today hope you enjoyed it.
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Till next time
Owner: Steps To Dot Com Success.com
Email: stepstodotcomsuccess@gmail.com
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