How To Do Your Own Webinar – you must be Crazy!!

Hi There

It may seem crazy to think of yourself organizing and running a seminar, but it’s very easy to do online.  There are just a few basic steps.  The first one is to choose a topic that you know about.  Take some aspect of your niche and find out what people want to know about.

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Next, you need to decide on the time and date, and the platform you will use.  Here are a few good webinar programs:

GoTo Meeting –

WebEx –

There are more and, like I said, you can also do them through Facebook and other social media sites.

The next step is to find customers for your presentation.  You can promote your webinar to your social media followers, tell your list about it, or advertise it on your site.  Some folks make their own mini-site for each webinar and spend some time SEO’ing it before the big day.

You’ll get a call-in number from your provider.  On the day and time when your webinar starts, they’ll call that number and they’re in.  Weeks before the webinar, you should send out your invitations and keep reminding them.  You should send a couple of reminders to all participants in the days before the webinar.

Make sure that your invitations tell them what they’re going to learn.  This is the most important aspect.  If your webinar really offers them true value and information they want to know, you won’t have to do a lot of selling.  Just tell them that this is what you’ll learn.

The great thing is that after a few webinars, you’ll be known for them, and you can brand yourself.  You can say that the last webinar was such a success; you’ve decided to do another one, and so on.  It’s like the snowball effect!

to your success



Owner:  Steps To Dot Com


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