How to Create your Own Information Product

Hi there, creating a product to sell through your Internet marketing business can be terrific fun to absolutely scary and a whole myriad of emotions in between.

Information publishing through intent marketing is a billion dollar industry and growing all the time. As Internet usage grows and developing countries come online Internet marketing will expand its influence on our day-to-day lives as has already been seen – just view the growth in online sales, huge double digit increases year on year

So go ahead and create your own product, but a word of caution first ….

Don’t Second Guess Your First Product.

You’re going to hear from other people that have been in the Internet Marketing industry for quite some time that you must have your own product in order to make any type of real profits. To a certain extent, that’s true. You will be able to make MORE money by having your own original product, but it isn’t necessary to actually make money on line.

If, however, you would like to try your hand at creating your own product, then do it! Do some basic research on the subject, take some notes, and then write up your product. That’s really DIY, however there are other ways, try:

Option 1. – Re Sell Products

Bear in mind, many resell products can in actual fact become your own products if you are allowed and are able to edit, re-write and significantly change the original – check the terms first though.

Option 2. – Have it Created for you

Don’t fancy being your own author? No problem, there are sites where other writers will pitch to create your product, you post a brief with some details & then decide on the strength of the pitches who’ll get the job of writing your info product – how cool is that?

Option 3. – Use Public Domain Material

What is public domain material – basically its published works that are not covered by copyright laws anymore.

Basically the fundamental rule you need to understand is: All works published in the US before 1923 are free of copyright and therefore public domain. Now in many niches there will have been books written about that subject that are freely available for you to download, re-package, write a new foreword, insert photos, produce special reports from and suddenly you have your own product

Quality Over Quantity Always Wins Out

There’s no “set” limit for the length of an information product. It can be as long or as short as it needs to be just so long as what you are creating has substance to it.

And, whatever you do, DO NOT second-guesses the quality of your product. All this leads to is an overabundance of re-writes and constant stagnation of your official release. Nothing will ever be perfect, and many of your products may not be precisely what you wanted them to be.

The true question is – is it valuable in terms of the information you are providing? If the answer is yes, then release that product into the world – Job Done!

Then, from the response that you get back, you’ll know just what you need to work on, or keep consistent with your next product. Simple as that. No fuss.

That’s it for today, hope you found it useful, as always your feedback is much appreciated.


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