Hi there
Here’s just a few tips and pointers on email marketing do’s and don’t’s – hope you find them useful
Email Marketing Mistakes
Don’t: believing any & every type of email marketing is beneficial
Its not and you must remember to “cherish” your list
Respect it or Lose it
Many business owners who opt to try email marketing make this mistake
People get turned off by SELL-SELL-SELL emails – don’t do it!
Do: Deliver value
Value can take many forms from free advice & Tips
Free reports, software, cheat sheets
Do: Consider your target audience. Market specifically to the correct demographic – consider their needs, answer & solve their problems
Spam – We all Hate it
A critical mistake many business owners make is creating emails which are likely to be construed to be spam. This may result in the emails never reaching the recipient or the emails being deleted, without being read, by the recipient. Avoiding the potential of falling into the spam category is not very difficult all autoresponder companies have spam checkers/ratings – use them
Each day Internet users are bombarded with spam from around the world. ensure your promotional emails contain useful copy than blatant advertising. This will make it more likely for your emails to be taken seriously and avoid spam filters.
Utilising email marketing as a follow up to web visitors
Sending out emails to interested parties can be very beneficial but it is even more beneficial to contact these email recipients by other methods such as mail or telephone to answer any questions they may have and offer any additional information they may require.
This type of follow up can be much more effective than simply sending an email and allowing it to fall into the abyss of an overcrowded email inbox.
Quantity or Quality – which is Best?
Finally a critical mistake made by business owners is to not tailor an email marketing campaign to their specific target audience. This can be a problem because it may result in the email marketing being less effective.
Less Can Be More
Business owners typically make this mistake because they fall into the trap of believing that it is more important to reach a large audience than it is to reach a target audience.
Result: -You may blindly send your email marketing materials to millions of recipients and only generate a few leads.
The Right Result: However, you could send the same email marketing materials to a smaller group of only a thousand recipients who all have an interest in your products and services and will likely generate more leads from this smaller email distribution list.
Targeting correctly
It is not only important to send your message to members of your target audience but to also tailor your message to suit this audience. Creating an email message which will appeal to a variety of individuals is not as important as creating a message which will appeal to members of your target audience.
Choosing an autoresponder company
What are you current and future needs likely to be?
Think quantity – several providers have differing price structures
Based on numbers
Free or Paid For – which is best?
Again depends partly on numbers. Many offer free trials and I recommend you try some of them – it gives the opportunity to play around with a system and make sure you are comfortable with it.
Features or Basic – how to choose
Depends on your time & skill – me I like easy and that’s where I started – as & when I need more features I’ll upgrade
BUT learn the system first
Here’s a list
AWeber, Get Response, Mail Chimp, 1shopping cart, campaign monitor,Infusionsoft, Constant Contact, iContact,Office Autopilot,Autoresponse Plus – just so you can do some research
Till the next time
Hi Tony here
Here’s the bottom line on this is
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