How SEO Helps You Make Money Online

Hi there, now I make no excuses for covering SEO (search engine optimisation to give it its full title) again, and again and again because guys its possibly the most important Internet marketing strategy you’ll ever come across and its free unless you add in a cost for the time you spend doing it!


So let’s get started …..

If you’ve got an online business, SEO is a sure way to help you make money online.  It involves simple strategies that get people to your site and get your site noticed by Google.  In this article, we’ll look at the basics so that you’ll have a better understanding of why it’s essential.

The basic concept to make money online is to give other people something of value.  Most budding Internet businesses work hard to provide something of value, which is great.  But there’s just one problem holding them back: You have to let people know you’re there.  If nobody knows about you, then how can they buy what you’re offering?

No matter what product or service you exchange in return for making money online, people have to know about it and find it.  So the next question is…

How Do People Find Things On The Internet?

What do you do when you need to find something online?  Maybe you search using a website like  That’s what many people do.  In fact, Google is so popular for finding things on the Internet that 8 out of 10 searches are all done through Google.  The lesson here is pretty simple – If you want to be found on the Internet and make money online, your website needs to be listed there.

So What Is SEO?

The word SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.  Sounds confusing, right?  Well, it’s actually quite simple; let’s break it down.  Search engines are sites like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and all the companies that let you search for things.  Optimization is a fancy word for “getting to the top.”  You can basically understand it as getting to the top of search engines.

But let’s make it even easier to understand.  We already know the facts: 80% of people use Google.  So really, SEO means “getting to the top of Google,” and that’s about all there is to it.

When people search on Google, you want to be the first website they see.  All the methods for getting your website at the top of Google are known as SEO.  Now it doesn’t seem so difficult, does it?  If you want people to find you, do everything you can to get to the top of Google.

Part of the problem is that it sounds better to call yourself an SEO professional than to say you’re a getting-to-the-top-of-Google expert.  But it’s basically the same thing.

How Does SEO Work?

The basic concept is simple.  If you wanted to be listed as the top student in a class, you find out what the teacher thinks is the most important.  Then you try to do those things to get the best grades.  With Google, it’s the same.

You find out what Google thinks is the most important.  Then, you give your website those things.  If you do it better than anyone else does, you get the top position.  When you get the top position, you can make money online better than before.  That’s the entire principle behind how SEO works.

Hope you’ve found that handy


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