How Forums Can Help Your Site Get Back links

If you’ve never used a forum before, then you’re in luck.  You’re about to learn of a powerful resource that can help you immensely.  This is an extremely simple technique that can get you lots of traffic and increase your clout with Google.

For some of you, especially if you’re new to the whole internet marketing arena the whole forum thing can be a bit scary & off putting but believe me both Sam & I have been there & understand exactly how you feel – hence this post to dispel the myths.

So what are forums? 

Basically, they are the equivalent of giant message boards on steroids.  People discuss issues centred on a central topic.  There are message boards for just about everything.  The advantage of message boards is that they allow people to exchange up-to-date information.

A forum is both a networking tool and a place to learn.  Many times, people share and exchange information for free.  They may also offer their products and services on forums.  Overall, forums are built on the idea of an online community that exchanges information for mutual benefit.

How Do Forums Help You Get Links To Your Website?

The act of leaving a message on the forum is called posting.  Whenever you post a message, most forums allow you to have a signature.  A signature is a small area underneath your message.  You are often allowed to link to your own website within the signature.  Linking is very easy because you only need to create your signature one time.  Then, a new link will be given to you every time you post a new message.  It is a very convenient way to use forums for back links, networking, and discussing issues about your particular website.

Why Use Forums For Back links?

Now that you know how forums point links back to your website, the next question is, “why should you do it?”  First of all, Google has a tendency to trust forums.  With their open and free exchange of information, most forums provide quality information.  If you continually receive back links, then pages on your website are likely to be seen as more popular.  When that happens, your website will begin showing up at the top of Google’s search results.

Finally, your website will become more visible as people find it.  Then, you will be able to convert more of those people into sales.  That is why you should use forums for back links.

As a side note, it is best to participate in forums because you intend to learn and contribute.  Many forums frown upon simply blasting a ton of useless messages for obvious self-promotional purposes.  You should actually participate and enjoy the primary benefits.  The information can help you improve what you deliver to your customers.  The networking aspect can also introduce you to new customers.  Plus, you will be able to help and contribute to others.  On top of all that, you get to enjoy the added benefit of forums for back links built to your website.


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