How Do I Achieve a High Page Ranking?

Hi how you doing?

 Personally I think making things more difficult, long-winded and confusing is a 21st century invention. Information overload is everywhere and especially when it comes to the Internet and Internet marketing, for me it’s about constant learning but in bite sized chunks so my method is this.

Here’s how I got my head round them – I’d title up on a sheet of paper about those elements that I really needed to know & understand. Lets take page rank – so I need to know what it is, how to get it and why I need it so once I’d got my head round them I’d write a brief paragraph in my own words detailing what they meant & how to achieve it – stuck it on the wall near my PC  – job done, Ok my office wall ‘s not pretty but it’s a constant referral point & it works for me, try it.

So in this article I’ll cover 3 areas that are key to maximumising your page page.

Keyword Research

Effective keyword research and the use of those keywords in a structured fashion on the website and its pages is essential to gaining good page rank. Look at it this way if your site is about healthy eating you would want to rank for terms like – eat healthily, how to eat healthily, cooking healthily, healthy eating etc. so then if you have a page covering healthy foodstuffs you might use keywords such as healthy vegetables, eating fruits for good health etc.

You certainly wouldn’t use anything that suggested unhealthy eating for obvious reasons. So I hope you see how your topline keyword research should center around your niche and what your website is about.

Long Tail Keyword Research

The next step after establishing your top line keyword for your domain should be that you figure out the keyword phrases you are going to use for each page of your website. Keyword phrases with two or three words are okay and each page should have 1 or 2. Do not use single keywords as the search engines may not always recognize them in the way you want. You can do your research by using Google’s free keyword research tool but also check what keyword phrases people are searching for in your niche – if its ‘healthy eating’ people will type in how do I eat more healthily? I want to eat healthy foods, are vegetables a healthy food option. Hopefully you see what I mean. Just go to Google and type in healthy eating and you’ll soon see what people are searching for.

Make Sure Your Title, Alt & Meta Tags are Correct

These are found in the head of a page but are invisible to the ordinary person browsing. They are codes for pages on the website used by the search engines when they crawl through a site and index pages. There are two main tags known as the title tags and the Meta tags. These tags enable the spiders (what search engines use to crawl a website) on web pages know what a web page is about. The title tag helps the spiders identify the title of that page.

The Meta tag which is also referred to as the description tag describes what the website page is all about. In order to achieve search engine optimization on your website, it has to contain your keywords in both the title and Meta tags.

Each optimized page should have the keyword of the content or article scattered within the entire text. Search engines assess the keyword density of a website page as a factor to determine its relevance.

Beyond the density of keyword, its placement within the article or text is also very important in search engine optimization. The keyword should be presented close to the beginning of the article as possible. This is because the spider crawling the website does not always go very deep into the text that is why the closer the keyword to the beginning of the text, the more likely for it to be crawled.

There is another tag that will improve your search engine optimization. This is known as the Alt tag, and it is used for pictures within the website. Those pictures should contain keywords for the search engine spider to read.

Finally, you may want to submit your website pages to search engines and directories such as Yahoo & Google . This is one sure way to get your website quickly indexed in order to start enjoying high page and website ranking. I hope the above debunks some of the techie speak we all come across and find confusing when starting out.

Hope this helps



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