Here’s a Method That’s Helping me Set Goals

Hi There

Everyone needs to set goals, without them people just drift and let life decide for them, do you want that? surely not, so here’s some simple steps to follow

Success:  Setting Goals

“Genius” has been described as the “ability to focus on one thing at a time.”  Many people who are “geniuses” are so not only because they have a high intellect, but because they are a gift of being able to focus on the objective or goal at hand.

This same focus must come in to play when determining what your goals are in relation to success.  You need to learn to work towards one major objective and juggle a few short- and mid-range goals at the same time.

One way to determine what your direction is (and ultimately your goals are) is to do a check-up.  I suggest listing 7 categories:  Financial; Career, Family, Personal, Spiritual, Mental, & Physical.  Rank your goals in these categories and how you’re doing.  This will illustrate to you where you are and where you’d like to be and exactly how balanced you are as you move about your process.

Set goals that are smart.  Big goals must be broken down in to manageable pieces.  Don’t set more than 4 goals to work on during a single day.  Seek divine guidance and direction on each goal.

Then identify what the pay-off is when you achieve your goal.  Nebulous rewards don’t motivate people to achieve much.

List the obstacles that stand between you and your goals.  If you’re not aware of potential problems, you’ll be side-tracked when they arise and lose sight of your objective.

Have someone in your corner who can dispense counsel & guidance.

Think about who can help you achieve your goal.  Identify friends who can be encourage and who can help keep you motivated and on-track.

 List the skills and knowledge required to attain your goal

Develop a plan of action to achieve your goal

Set a deadline for achievement.  It’s hard to achieve something that has no ending date.

As you consider your goals, ask yourself the following questions:

Is this really my goal?

Is this morally right and fair to everyone involved?

Will it take me closer to my long-range goal?

Can I commit myself to start and reach this objective?

Can I see myself attaining this goal?

You should answer yes to each of these questions.  If not, re-evaluate!

And then give each goal a final test of the “basic wants” in life:

Will it make me happier?

Will it make me healthier?

Will it make me more prosperous?

Will it increase my security?

Will it help me make more friends?

Will it give me peace of mind?

Will it improve my family (and other) relationships?

Will it increase my hope for the future?

If you can’t answer yes to each of these questions, re-evaluate your goal.

get setting them right now, don’t put it off

to your success





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