Here’s a Method That’s Helping Me – Self Talk – Sounds Weird But its Not!

Hi There

Are you a positive thinker ? glass half full kind of person?

If you’re not sure then try some of these tips, they might sound unusual but the old phrase “don’t knock it till you’ve tried it” springs to mind

Self-talk is a method we use to become positive thinkers. When we talk over our problems with self, it helps us to come closer to ourselves and to learn to trust our actions. Using self-talk we can change our behaviors that interrupt our lives. We can use self-talk to find motivation to heal our body, mind and spirits.


Self-talk is a positive reflection that gives us energy. When we feel good inside we have natural energy that will flourish. As we start to feel good, our lives become easier. We find our self-productive at work, in relationships, at home, in society and so on. Self-talk then is a great way to cutback cost, since we do not have to rely on counselors, rather we can learn to manage our life by using our own innate abilities.

You gain many rewards from self-talk. Self-talk gives you the chance to boost self-confidence, self-esteem and to learn more about you and who you are; in addition, you learn your history. This brings you to learn your purpose in life, which is vital to survive successfully. Once more, you learn your personality, which is outstanding, since you need this information also to survive successfully in life.

It has long been proven that most of our problems come from failure to know who we are. Thus, knowing you is the ultimate step to thinking positive and living a successful life. For this reason, we need to learn how to use self-talk as a consoling friend to live a happier life.

 Positive Thinking and Self-Talk

Children instinctively understand “self talk”


Positive thinkers use self-talks to boost their self-esteem and confidence. Self-talk at one time was deemed, as a form of mental illness, yet new discoveries showed that self-talk is a healing process.

When people use self-talk they find answers to their problems. Sometimes people use self-talks through writing. What they do is write down their feelings, emotions, etc. The person writes everything that comes out of their subconscious and conscious mind and after reviews the information to find answers to problems.

Self-talk is encouraging and can relieve stress. When a person uses self-talk effectively, they not only find relief the person feels confident and the mind rewards them with positive thoughts.

So there you have it – try it see if it works for you

to your success





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