Growing Your Facebook Fan Base the Honest Way


Facebook is the number one social media site. You can get exposure, build your brand, connect with your people, drive traffic, and sell directly. The more fans you have there, the better.

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There’s one quick and easy way to grow your fans but I don’t recommend it. That’s by buying them. You can go to Fiverr or another freelance site and pay for a bunch of people to become friends with you. The main problem with this, though, is that other than looking like you’re popular, it achieves nothing. These aren’t buyers and they won’t interact on your wall. Another problem is that Facebook will close your account if it finds out.

It’s much better to grow your fan base honestly and here are a few ways to do it.

Put Your Page Everywhere

Include your Facebook page on all of your marketing materials both online and off. Your website, blog, YouTube channel, email signature, other social media profiles, and everything else you do online should have a link. If you have email or newsletter subscribers, invite them to join you on Facebook. Your print brochures, store signs, menus, promotional items, catalogues, cards and everything else offline should have it as well. Your offline customers may not even know you’re there.

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