EBook Directories – A Powerful Traffic Building Tool

Hi there what  I have found with all our own internet marketing activities its all about having a marketing mix, some marketing will show swift if not immediate results whilst others will be more slow burners delivering traffic results over an extended period of time. But the bottom line is the more avenues you have the better chance that results will follow.

So today I want to cover eBook directories, an opportunity which is a little more labour intensive but can prove to be very worthwhile in not only getting traffic but just as importantly building the brand of your business, so here goes….Using eBook directories is like article directory marketing on crack.  Instead of little 450-word general information articles, we’re talking about reports and eBooks.  It takes a bit more work on your part at first, but it can also bring you huge returns in terms of both traffic and building your authority.

How EBook Directories Work

EBook directories are just like article directories except they’re for whole eBooks and reports.  You sign up to join the directory and then list your eBooks along with other titles in your category.  People head to these sites to find eBooks that solve their problems or give them the info they’re looking for.

Most eBook directories let you publish on their site for free, but there are some that charge a small fee.  Is it worth it?  That’s something you have to think about yourself.  There are lots of other ways to promote your eBook for absolutely free, so I would pass on the pay sites.  No eBook directory that I know of is so high-traffic and awesome that it’s worth paying for.  But there are lots of marketers who think a small yearly membership fee is well worth it.

Some directories let you sell your eBook but most will only let you offer it for free.  There are advantages to both.  Obviously, selling your eBook through a directory means you get some direct profit.  But giving it away free means it’ll get more circulation, and this will get your name known.  You can use it to direct people to your site and get them on your list.

Using EBook Directories To Build Your List

Speaking of lists, unfortunately I don’t know of any eBook directory that lets you include an opt-in list on their site directly.  You’ve got to get them to your site first.

But here’s a cool way to do that – What you do is to make a shortened version of your regular book or course.  If you’ve got a video course, for example, you can do a report that basically summarizes it and leaves them wanting more.  Then you offer the full version at your site with the opt-in list.

Your books can have active links in them, of course, so you can put links to your site or squeeze page on every page.

A Shortcut – Use PLR For Instant EBook Generation!

Unlike Amazon Kindle, which got really uptight about PLR because of some article that said internet marketers were using it to game them, eBook directories have no problem with you using PLR at all.  You can take a PLR pack from your niche, and format it into a ‘book.’  Just put the articles in a logical order, add a contents page and slap on your title.  Instant free giveaway!

Using EBook Directories Effectively

Each eBook directly lets you make a profile and a description of your books.  Make sure they’re keyword optimized because people use these to find your books.  You can also have a link in your profile to your site.

Whenever using these directories, make sure you read the submission guidelines carefully.  Also pay close attention to formatting.  Each directory is a little different in this area.

So there you have it, a simple straight forward marketing opportunity that once you get your information planned out and scheduled in could be returning some heavyweight results in no time

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All the best


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