Don’t Be An Internet Marketing Failure

Hi there

It constantly amazes me how many people start an internet business with loads of enthusiasm just to give up at the first hurdle. Ok not necessarily at the first but just really do not stick with it. I guess for many it’s about believing all the hype that surrounds all the latest online methods of making money and just being a little bit naive.

Are You A Quitter?

Now believe me I’m not criticising because  I have been there and on several occasions, yes we’ve been guilty of buying the next ‘big thing’ and got terribly frustrated when it didn’t work (or perhaps we didn’t put enough effort in?). We’ve even had occasions when we’ve got so fed up we’ve simply walked away from our online business activities for periods of time (months and months in some instances)

But you know what brings me back time and time again is the pure fact that we all know there’s a future doing business online without some of the costs/issues of staff and problems associated with running a traditional offline business

The Future?

And most importantly online is the real growth area, you only have to look at ebook sales as an example, 200%  year on year growth  last year alone, look at Kindle – 500 books being added daily.

So its all about work ethic I guess?

Well yes to a degree but it’s also about being inspired especially when you’re feeling less than happy with your progress and ready to chuck in the towel.

I want to share 2 things with you

Driven By Necessity or Opportunity?

Firstly when i returned from a great holiday in Turkey a few years back it made me think –  lovely people, great weather, delicious food etc. But here’s the rub low wages and pretty much no welfare payments – so bottom line you don’t work – you don’t eat. That focuses the mind big time!

This Is Work Ethic

Out there you see young lads, not much more than 13 possibly 14 with a set of scales under their arm trying to persuade people to pay to be weighed, others offer shoeshine facilities or selling cheap toys aimed at the many children (see photo) – but the bottom line is they do it all with a smile on their faces. They work hard because they need the money.

Another chap, the manager of a leather shop (a job he’s done for 14 years) works a 14 hour day 10am to midnight. He doesn’t moan about it, the service he offers is amazing – a hand made leather jacket to my measurements in 48 hours and he’s a lovely guy.

Driven By Opportunity (Or You Should Be!)

So why am I telling you all of this? Well these guys do it because without it they and their families wouldn’t eat. We on the other hand have opportunities way above their wildest dreams, and the opportunity to make a substantial living from the comfort of our home and with our pcs.

So finding our own work ethic to create a better life for ourselves, our families should be easy

Don’t you think they feel like giving up – selling shoeshines in 40 degree heat – you bet. But they don’t so certainly nor should you. Keep going, keep focused and eventually your hard work will pay off. Just like the young lads selling ‘weighing’ it must pay for them because you don’t see any middle aged men doing it!

Ok the second thing I want to share is this

I always get inspired by internet marketers who’ve ‘made it’ especially when they are honest about their journey. I was reading an article one such individual wrote and 2 things struck me

1} he’d experienced just like the rest of us “why am I doing this” especially when his wife woke him up at 4am with the imprint of his keyboard on his face when he’d fallen asleep with exhaustion.

2} his comments – do some marketing activity EVERY day, doesn’t matter how big or small but do something. And his philosophy is write some copy each and every day because & here’s the rub , the more you do it the better, faster and most importantly the easier it gets.

So finally my message is – keep going, don’t give up even when you feel like it. Believe in yourself and your own abilities, offer real value, but above all else be realistic and smile. You are living an opportunity that many could only ever dream about

To your success


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