Don’t let Life’s Uphill Struggles Slow You Down

Hi There

How you all doing

I tell you what I’m going to do something really radical today, bore you to death with highs and lows of my life recently.

And tell you what has happened over the last 6 months in my world and it’s not all good by any stretch of the imagination. But you’ve got to take the rough with the smooth as the saying goes.

For me I had an email back early summer last year from a hugely successful entrepreneur whose events  I’d been to and whose courses I’d bought on several occasions but I’ve never really done much with them – story of my direct & online marketing career so far !!!

Anyway he basically said “I’m retiring” and here’s a free seminar (a small charitable donation) but if you come along I’ll give you a business. Blimey this guy is good when you get something like that you sit up and take note – well I do anyway.

So anyway off I went – I knew it would be a huge and I mean huge Ra Ra event (over 1,500 people) with some high level speakers with high level offer we at the end some with ticket prices just very top end –  well I was dead right

It’s just so easy to get side tracked and run off course don’t you think?

Boring old life just derails you before you know it

Last couple of weeks have been a nightmare the boiler at home got condemned, just when we’re having a real cold snap, and then the same day the washing machine packed up as well. Why the bloody hell do these things always happen when you skint as well?

Why is life always an uphill struggle as well

Ok so we finally agree a price for a new boiler, bloke says around a week, as we haven’t got young children or elderly people living there but then when we go to actually book it – we’re told 5 weeks – what no heating, no hot water apart from the little the immersion heater gives out – I just had to go ballistic, I really did – finally we got a cancellation and it got done.

But then dealing with energy companies has got to be the job from hell I reckon. We’re renovating a rental property where the tenant did a runner 18 months ago but had set up the gas and electric under 2 different companies and bypassed the meter as well!!!

Trying to deal with 2 different companies – you call – 1hour.50 minute wait, you email – response in 48 hours yea right a week later still no reply – and the contractors doing the renovation can’t get on. Then you realise the gas supplier has actually gone bust!!!

So then you’ve got to deal with a brand new company who are being inundated with faults/queries etc. – finally they agree to send out an engineer but that will take 3 weeks – by this time I’m losing the will to live I really am.

And still not receive the electric top up card that was supposed to have been supplied a month ago!!!!!

So I spend another long day calling/emailing etc. and finally it looks like it’s getting sorted but honestly are these things just sent to piss us all off or what? Because that’s what it feels like

God knows what it’s like if you are elderly or not very worldly wise it must be an absolute nightmare and just plain wrong!

And the worst thing about it is it stops you getting on with what you really need/want to be doing

However its not all bad – online I’ve really made progress learning and discovering new skills almost daily and now trying to create a real online presence – yep some days are very frustrating others rewarding but the bottom line is I’m in it to win it.

What’s your story/ How can I help??

email me now and let me know:



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