Don’t Ignore Your Website – Its a living, breathing thing!!


There’s many people out there who get their website up and then just walk away expecting riches and traffic to just flow – wake up call live is not that simple, read on, here’s what you need …..

Constant monitoring of website performance is necessary for as long as you work online, which should be permanently. In order to fully understand the importance of high search rankings, I need to emphasize the fact that you depend on this ‘rating’ to reach the most relevant web visitors. How come? Well, it is based on the search ranking that a website gets displayed in the search engine’s result pages. Statistics indicate that only the first 10 or 20 results have a chance to make profit; the rest, with not so high search rankings, will lose money instead of generating a revenue.

Get this fact imbeded in you brain now!

High search rankings thus become a promise not for wealth but for decent business revenue that allows you to keep running, enables progress and supports your vision. Just as it is important to track down mistakes and correct them, so it happens with positive achievements. Identify the strategies that ensure high search rankings and develop them further on. If any of these goes obsolete, don’t hesitate to act quickly and replace it with a better alternative.

Hi There Tony here

I see many, many others doing it & making it work for them being online – I don’t think many of them are any smarter or hard working than me
So what is it?
They have taken ACTION again and again and again-And Don’t STOP!
What Have I Done?

Taken action then …………stopped!!


Life’s got in the way 
Had a pay rise at work – taken my eye off the ball
Got frustrated with the techie side

Is that you? it was me but no more lets do the journey together – email me now!!

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