Do Something Awesome for Someone Today

Hi There

One of the key problems I have is that I’m not an expert because and this is key I’m trying to do it but I’m going through that painful learning curve of learning and doing as I go along

I can’t position myself as the go to guy for x,y or z  but and this is important I’m happy, willing and able to share my experiences as I go along the path and I want to hear from others so we can all develop together- is that all bollocks no it’s not

I tell you what really gets me there’s so many people out there currently who a taking the piss by calling themselves experts and that their report, training etc. is the real deal when in many instances it’s not

Let’s face it we all care what others think of us even if we don’t admit it

I’m not an expert but what I am is a bloody hard worker – and if you get points for effort then I’m there and hopefully that counts for something

But I do care and that’s important

When I was a young child I started to stammer really badly, my mum had been given some prescription drugs and had a bad reaction – I was only 5 and I witnessed her fighting for her life

After that I stammered (she pulled through fortunately)

Not only that but I was very shy and I stammered and let’s face it starting school and stammering was hard – I dreaded every morning at assembly when the called out the register – most of the time I couldn’t get my words out

The only thing that helped was my mum getting me to sing in the car

She wasn’t an expert at teaching me to stop stammering but she did what she thought might help – and gradually I improved – but she used her knowledge to make it better for me

Just illustrates we all have skill and knowledge in us that others will find informative & useful

Here a thing about stammering – there’s certain trigger words and letters that really catch you out and that is even worse when you are on the telephone

Sometimes Life lessons just have to be learned

So what did I do – started a job selling advertising over the phone ha ha – that put my stammering to the test big style but guys I did it on purpose to do exactly that – I needed to challenge myself and even though sometimes it was really difficult I got through – today I hardly ever stammer



email me – how can I help you?


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