Do Links Still Count ????

Hi There

You Bet they do – its an essential part of effective SEO – please don’t overlook it

A resource page of links will indirectly increase free traffic. It helps you link other people to your website and it is very good for enhancing the popularity level on which so much depends. Do you know that Google and all the other search engines use the number of links as one of the major criteria for giving the page ranking? Google does not read the information you provide, it just analyzes the keyword relevancy and the way other websites refer to yours. This is a clear indicator of whether your page is worthy of good rankings or not.


You can use lots of online tips and recommendations to increase free traffic by making your link exchange stronger. You will thus come to learn about the types of links available, the ways they can be improved, the kind of traffic they attract and so much more. Links as such function at the very basis of any Internet activity. Whether you like it or not, businesses are inter-related and they work as such at all levels of the world wide web.

thanks for reading

Email me, make contact  see if we can help each other, here’s my email


 I’m just an ordinary guy with an ordinary background. … I’m NOT some hugely clever guy or entrepreneur.
I DON’T come from a wealthy background or have insider connections.
NEVER had huge amounts of money to begin with … NEVER had any contacts to help me… and NEVER had any lucky breaks. In other words, I certainly didn’t have a privileged upbringing

Well I’ve spent 10 years, going to seminars, buying the next big thing, dipping in and out of online – membership sites, kindle books, affiliate marketing, blogging etc. etc.
But really just tinkering around the edges


Well not this time – this time I’m focused & driven

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