Did Google Panda Change Article Marketing for Good?

Hi there as many of you who are regular visitors to our blog, we have always been heavy promoters of article marketing but these days there’s a lot of debate over its value since Goggle changed its algorithms –

the Panda Update, so here’s our views ……

Article marketing used to be one of the go-to methods for driving traffic to a website. Before Google Panda arrived companies could use a mixture of low, medium and high quality articles on article submission directories such as Ezine, Associated Content and Helium to drive readers to their own site for revenue. Most of these sites enjoyed some of the highest rankings available on the internet, but once Google Panda released they were hit hard for hosting some of the more low-quality article productions on the internet. Now that Google Panda keeps an eye out for low quality articles, especially those spun by software, a lot of internet marketing companies are wondering if article marketing is even worth it.

High Volume Sites Were Hit Hard

High volume sites that were used for article directories by internet marketers were hit hard when Google Panda released. With Google Panda, websites carrying low-quality articles lost a lot of search engine visibility. This was a way for Google to start weeding out the low-quality sites and make higher rankings for sites that actually carried worth-while content. Content farms and article directories were not the only ones hit by this. Some large websites and content companies were also taken down in visibility from Google Panda.

So does that mean Google Panda has ruined article marketing for good?

Article Marketing Still Works

The fact of the matter is, article marketing is stilvaluable tool to drive traffic to a website. The only catch is that internet marketers using article marketing will have to actually provide quality articles rather than low-quality spins of one article. Article marketing is also all about brand marketing – which focuses on back linking, guest posts, comments and internal linking.

High-Quality Wins the Visibility

Now when an article is used for back links or is reposted on other sites, it is done because it is a high-quality article. More sites will play off high quality web-based articles rather than simply back linking to any and all articles they find relevant to their own site. Therefore, if you are looking to use article marketing for your own internet marketing site, you need to start implementing high-quality articles and back linking to other articles that are similar in quality.

Our Take on All of This

We like article marketing and continue to do it in volume but as we’ve already commented it has to be good quality, unique content and that my friends is the absolute key to it.

Outsourcing is Key

Not everyone can write a high quality article. Therefore, in order to compete for visibility with Google Panda, websites need to use high-quality material that is written by a real writer, not a computer or spun by software. If you are not qualified or naturally good with the pen, outsourcing your work to a professional freelance writer may be best. With a professional you can ensure your articles are written with proper English, grammar and actually provide substance for readers to look at – that means higher chance of back links and less chance of Google Panda omitting your site from search engines.

It is important to realize that though Google Panda has made some changes, it has not destroyed all chances for article marketing to be successful. In fact, more companies are jumping to use article marketing for back links and are still finding successful results when it comes to driving traffic to their site.

Tony Phelps

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