Content & Article Writing Made easy – The Final Steps

Hi my 5 Step Plan for easy content and article writing, this one goes from 3 – 5. As promised here’s the final 3 steps that combined with those you received yesterday will ensure your article and content writing becomes less of a chore into the future. but the key point here is you must believe in yourself and your abilities, you may not start out being the best writer but with practice you’ll get there.

Now heads up here this is not a miracle cure for writers block but if you put this 5 point plan into action I guarantee you’ll find your writing comes more easily, flows better and most importantly becomes less difficult and that my friends is a major plus, so without wasting anymore time lets get straight into Steps 3 through to 5 and then your off!!

Step 3. -Break It Down Into Sub Points

Next, divide the article into its various sub-points.  You’ll have an overall focus and point of the article, so now you’re looking for the natural divisions.  For each of these sub-topics, just as with the article as a whole, think of attention-grabbing titles and enticing first sentences.  Consider each one another mini-article to pull your reader along.  Make sure that each of these presents its information quickly and concisely so that the reader doesn’t get bogged down.

Step 4. – Start Building

Once you’ve done this, your article is like the frames of a house.  It’s all set up and ready to go.  Now it’s time to start building.  Starting at the beginning, move along your article connecting all of the topics to each other.  This is the article’s body.  At the end of your article, write a conclusion that quickly summarizes its most important parts.

Step 5. – Check & Double Check

Once it’s written, you’ve got your first draft.  Don’t consider it done quite yet.  You may have to rewrite it a time or two before its perfect.  That’s why we call it a draft.  It’s not finished yet.  Don’t be embarrassed as you read over it; it’s not going to be published.  Change the things you don’t like and tweak it until you see nothing you think you should change.

While re-reading your article, you might want to refer to your outline to make sure it follows it correctly.  Things might change a little when you do the actual writing, but make sure it sticks to the point.  Otherwise, the time you spend making the outline will go to waste.  Throughout the whole process, your outline should be the core of the article.  This will ensure that it says perfectly what you want to say.


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