As a marketer you need a constant stream of fresh content and it needs to be good. You need to either be a prolific expert author or pay a fair amount of money to a ghost-writer to do it for you (and they have to be good). One awesome alternative that gets you great content […]
Category: Traffic Generation
Tips on Promoting Kindle EBooks
Amazon’s Kindle has caused an explosion of do-it-yourself authors getting out there and writing their books. Anyone can be an author with global reach. The only trouble is that unless your name is John Grisham, you’ve got to know a bit about marketing as well as writing. Marketing is actually half (often more than half) […]
What Is Tag Management and Why Is It Important?
Tag management is now all the rage, with software companies offering tag management software and Google now offer a free tool. In order to understand exactly what tag management is, we have to define what we mean by ‘tags.’ Tags are tiny bits of code that can be as small as a pixel. They’re placed […]
Video Marketing – Ideas for the Clueless Producer
Most people know how well videos work to get you traffic, but few realize just how easy it is to make them. I’ve met marketers who are always saying, ‘I’ll get around to it someday’ because they just don’t have any ideas to get them started. It’s incredibly easy and here are a few very […]
Alternative Ad Networks – StumbleUpon Ads, LinkedIn Direct Ads, and Twitter’s Sponsored Tweets
By far, the search engines offer the most popular ad networks. They get you the most targeted traffic that will buy. Many marketers are venturing into Facebook Ads and seeing how that works for them. Facebook is the biggest social media site, but lots of other sites offer ad networks and most marketers don’t even […]