Boarding school sucks!!

Hi There,

I went off to a state owned boys only boarding school at 11, there I was a shy,  overweight (puppy fat that’s all) lad who’d just lost his Dad and stammered quite badly.

To be honest all those kids who say “school – best years of your life” – absolute rubbish, not for me the photo of happy school children is not me at all.

Blimey I was petrified – didn’t know anyone, 3 hours’ drive from home about to start living in a dormitory with loads of other boys – that’s a real wake up smell the coffee moment don’t you think?

Fatties always stick together right!! There was another lad there called Simon, bit chubby like me so we instantly bonded & he was in the same dormitory – we looked out for each other.

Boarding school was odd but you very soon worked out how to survive it & it splits into several types

The sporty type – everyone loves them                                NOT ME

The aggressive “fighter” – can hold their own in a punch up         CERTAINLY NOT ME

The creep – always sucking up to teachers and older boys – AGAIN NOT ME

The weirdo– everyone picks on them and probably won’t be there are Xmas – FORTUNATELY NOT ME

The Joker – makes people laugh & gets left alone – YEA A BIT LIKE ME

The “Keep your head down” lad DEFINITELY ME

But what do I take from this – you MUST find your own level and your own way to survive, no one can do that for you – get comfortable in your own skin and if you can’t get comfortable – CHANGE!

Hope this all makes sense we are what our background makes us

take the good bites and the bad and make it work for you

till next time



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