Beginner’s Guide To Outsourcing Your E-book Creation

Hi if you’re new to the whole online business and internet marketing arena you’ll no doubt know about e-books and how for many successful internet entrepreneurs selling e-books has been the bedrock (and in many instances still is) of their online business success.

Massive Sales Growth That Just Keeps Coming

Niche e-Books have rapidly become extremely popular with a massive growth in sales worldwide I think in the last 12 months alone that growth has been in excess of 20% and that my friends is millions and millions of dollars – so don’t let anyone convince you the simple e-book has had it day.

Most e-Books are mostly pdfs that are obtained through Internet downloads or simply by email. When you order an eBook, you pay for it get a download link and off you go. So it’s obvious to see the real commercial benefits of this kind of product for any online business – yes you’ve got it – very little operating costs. E-Books are much cheaper than the regular hardcover books; no printing, no postage etc because they are cheaper to produce the profit margins can be huge

Top Tip -Think ‘Outside The Box’

Also consider this you have the ability to dominate a small niche, deliver a very targeted e-book that will only ever sell in small quantities but can still make a healthy profit. So now imagine if you had 10 of these very small niches each with their own e-book – you do the math, its not rocket science. So I say again don’t underestimate the humble e-book.

Light bulb Moment

Just go back & re read that last paragraph – the real opportunity of using outsourcers is that you can even dominate niches that you have absolutely no knowledge or interest in as well just by using writers that do have that knowledge – how amazing is that?

Select the right person to do the job.

When you are creating a product online, it is most likely to be in an eBook format. But the truth is that not every body is good at writing and so considers outsourcing your work to professional writers to write your e-Books but under close supervision. There are ways to outsource your work if you want it to be properly done.

That is what this article intends to show you, the most appropriate ways to outsource your e-book creation to professional writers.

Top Tip – How To Find Writers

You need to initiate a process to select the appropriate person to do the job. There are thousands of professional writers out there and finding them is easy with the net. Google outsourcing, writers, and writers in what ever your niche is. Place a detailed brief or outline on some of the outsourcing sites like as an example, specifying the exact project requirements including subject, length, milestone goals and ultimate deadline.

Other places to find writers are in forums especially forums that are in related niches to the subject of your eBook. Once that is done, you should start receiving offers from writers and this is where the screening process begins. The candidate has to be fully aware of what your specific requirements are. A clear understanding of what you want to do is the foundation on which the eBook should be laid out.

Top Tip – Thorough Screening Is Vital

You will receive a lot of applications from both the qualified and unqualified writers but this is why screening each applicant needs to be done carefully. In reviewing applications pay particular attention to the quality of samples provided, the amount of relevant work completed and the ability of the candidate to follow the instructions given. All of these elements will make the screening process simple enabling you to eliminate those who do not follow instructions or provide quality samples of relevance to the project.

Top Tip -Get To A Shortlist

Once you shortlist about 3 to 4 writers from the list of those that applied, you could consider conducting a form of interview with them to know who suits you best. Some of the talented and experienced writers you find might not be in a location anywhere close to you so it would be only possible to interview them remotely, however that’s easy these days to conduct a one on one conversation with people even if they are across the other side of the world either through a phone call or online.

Online you have Skype, Gtalk, Yahoo Messenger and MSN. You should find out if any of the candidates have one or more of these communication tools so that you can have a one-on-one chat. This way, questions can be raised and answered instantly.

Top Tip -You Must be involved in starting & developing the outline

After you have accepted one of the writers it is important that you are directly involved in creating the outline for the book. You are the originator of the idea and so for the writer to capture you idea in that book, you have to let him know precisely what you want.

Some clients describe a sketchy outline for the writer and leave it at that. This guys is a very dangerous thing to do because you’ll probably not get the book you want at the end and in all honesty you only have yourself to blame. That means they really do not have any particular idea or direction in mind for the e-Book and that’s just plain daft.

Asking the writer to contribute ideas to the outline is one thing and appropriate but it is vital that you the client should provide most of the details and detailed brief rather than relying on the writer to do so.

Top Tip -Who has the final editing rights?

You should exclusively be responsible for final editing of the eBook. Even being directly involved in the process of the eBook creation, it is your obligation to yourself to conclusively edit the book and make sure you are proud and happy with the end product – after all its your online reputation that’s quite literally ‘on the line’. You the client has to guarantee the accuracy of the work making sure the grammar and sentence flow are okay. When this has been done, you can proudly append you name to the job and pay whatever balance fee you owe the writer.

Ok This is just a quick guideline for anyone who wants to outsource eBook creation. Although it may seem obvious to those with experience, these basic tips will help all new comers to truly see the e-book opportunity and how to get started using outsourcing for generating online profits.



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