Be Different From the Crowd – Write Unique,Quality Content

Hi all, today I want to cover some thoughts I have over copywriting. Now the internet is all know is all about information, it’s the ultimate information highway an thefore whatever you do online whether selling a product direct, becoming a successful affiliate marketer, membership sites or whatever, the reality is all sites need to deliver quality unique content for 2 pretty obvious reasons and one vital reason

1} To attract your clients/customers and visitors in volume

2} To ensure your site and pages get ranked by the search engines otherwise you’ll get little traffic and even if you have a killer product at an amazing price, no one will ever know because your site will be buried in the internet scrap yard.

Out Sourcing – Is It for Me?

So the bottom line is get comfortable that you’ll need to write content. Yep you could outsource it but that’s pricey and if you haven’t done it yourself how will you tell if the outsourcer you’re using is producing good or indifferent material for you? Believe me it happens – we had several experiences at the start where we outsourced articles based around keyword research and the results were not great – e even ended up paying a reduced fee but then having to re write ourselves as well – waste of time and money to say he least.

Here’s the Real Clincher Why You MUST Write Your Own Content

You are Unique, therefore your writing style if written properly will also be unique and that my friends is what will make you stand out from the crowd.

Think about it you have your own phrases, your own way to get the point or message you are delivering across and that’s always going to be unique to you.

So much of what you find on the Internet is bland, impersonal and not very engaging – you must engage your visitors and pretty quick because attention spans are short and getting shorter by day.

Make your copy personal, tell stories, give visitors an insight into who and – and what you are – your hopes and aspirations, your successes and failures. As an example if you’ve read a few of our posts your know my wife’s name is Sam, I have a full time job in publishing and another area we are into is property having built a portfolio over the last few years. That’s who are and what we do and our online activity is all about developing our internet marketing skills to a level where we can grow our existing niche sites into profitable online businesses.

You’ll know about what inspired me to get back into the internet marketing driving seat – but to refresh your memory for me its that holiday in Italy that I look at very year & can’t afford and keep saying “perhaps next year” – that’s not what I want so I need to make some money to make it happen – so hence my real focus on my internet marketing to ensure 2011 is THE year, no excuses I ’ll need financial support  – so I guess you can understand my mental focus is all about succeeding, there’s simply no room for failure

And for me yep we’ve got a number of niche sites up, selling ebooks and audio, that’s ok but the tricky bit is actually marketing to them on the internet, getting traffic but more specifically get the right targeted traffic. So that’s why I decided to start his blog to effectively record our learning curve and o help others along the way. In 3 days time I’ll cover in greater detail methods and strategies to develop your story telling skills so what out for that, until then …..


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