Back To Basics – Use These Sales “Buttons” Today to skyrocket your Results!

Hi There everyone,

Today I want to cover some sales techniques that might appear pretty obvious but people often don’t use them and they are really missing a trick beleive me!

The Self-Centered Button

Even if they’re the nicest people in the world, your customers and potential customers don’t care about your, your philosophy, or your business.  But don’t take it personally.  They don’t even really care about the technical specs of a product, either.

Their concern is much narrow.

What “floats the boat” of a consumer are the benefits they’ll receive from buying a product or service:  how it will make their lives easier, how it will make them irresistible to the opposite sex, how it will make them the rich beyond their wildest dreams.

 Don’t say you’re great in your marketing efforts; demonstrate the benefits of buying from you, using specific facts and figures.  Tell your prospect in simple, straightforward language how your products or services are better than all the rest. 

It should be all about them and very little about you.  Everything you say and write should answer the question “What’s in it for me?”

Consumers are especially interested in extra incentives, bonuses, and “value-added” packages because when they’re considering a purchase, they’re constantly trying to figure out what they’ll gain.

Food for Thought – “Greed” Self-Exam

Want a simple well to test whether your copy is good for the greedy?  Count the number of “I’s” you have in your text and then compare it to the number of “You’s.”  and you’ll know in an instant whether you’re writing to your prospect…or to your ego.

If your offer is greed oriented, then words and phrases like “money”; “get rich” ; “six-figures”; and “make money easily” will excite your readers. Ideally you want to use many small, one syllable words that your prospects can relate an emotion to.

Pick five or six key words that will stir up the need for greed and plant them liberally throughout your marketing copy to spark the emotional reaction that’s the catalyst for a sale.

Greed, no matter what anybody says, is a part of the human psychological make-up. Everybody wants more…especially for less.  If your message promises to help the individual get a bigger piece of the pie, then it will attract attention and generate sales.

Just remember:  Greed is good.  Maybe not from a societal point of view, but from a marketer’s perspective, it sure is!

 The Curiosity Button

All creatures are curious…especially humans.   We explore our world rather than just respond to it, looking under rocks, pulling back curtains, and poking sticks into things.

To arouse curiosity:

The following words and phrases are proven to turn apathy into interest: Just feel how they work on you just reading them, that’s their power


Someone spilled the beans…

The answer you’ve been looking for…

Sneak Peak

For Your Eyes Only

The following headlines are laser-focused on the curiosity of their individual target audiences:

Secrets for Making Money With Time Shares

What The Diet Companies Don’t Want You To Know

Mysteries of A Satisfying Sex Life Revealed

The Professionals-Only Guide to Car Buying

To make curiosity work for you:  After you create the “itch that needs to be scratched, you must then make it abundantly and IMMEDIATELY clear that you can provide the solution to the itch.   For example:

There’s a trick to giving up cigarettes for good…

People want to feel happy, that’s normal, make them feel comfortable dealing with you – be honest & truthful!

and we’ve got it on the next page!

 You won’t believe what our supplier did…

and now YOU can take advantage of her mistake

 The journey to financial freedom doesn’t have to take forever…

If you know the short cut that WE do

Our passion for discovery is hardwired, so stimulating curiosity is a powerful force that you can use to lure consumers to “go deeper” into your copy.  Curiosity gains and holds the consumer’s attention long enough for the rest of the sales message to be delivered.

Most people don’t like advertising and won’t make the effort to open a solicitation if they think they are getting an advertising message — unless they are sincerely interested in buying something that the advertisement offers…OR if their curiosity is aroused.

thanks for reading I hope its inspired you just a little bit

for help, advice and support or just a chat and a rant email me


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