Hello now for the very well worn Internet marketing guru’s phrase ‘the money’s in the list’- it must be possibly the most over used metaphors used at any Internet marketing workshop or seminar. But it’s fair to say email marketing in principal is as sound as it’s ever been and will undoubtedly continue to be […]
Author: Tony Phelps
Growing a Facebook Fan Page’s Followers
Once you set up a Facebook fan page, it’s a bit like a party where nobody is there yet. You’re waiting around for people to come along and like your page. The usual best practice is to first reach out to friends, family members and associates and ask them to like your page. You may […]
Nice to Meet You – Your Ideal Customer Profile
Hi there now for me one of the most important elements we learnt from an internet marketing seminar we both attended back a couple of years ago was what I’m going to talk about today – defining your prospective customer. Who are you targeting, what are they and why are you targeting them? These and […]
Don’t Be An Internet Marketing Failure
Hi there It constantly amazes me how many people start an internet business with loads of enthusiasm just to give up at the first hurdle. Ok not necessarily at the first but just really do not stick with it. I guess for many it’s about believing all the hype that surrounds all the latest online […]
How to Get More Likes and Shares on Social Media
When you post something on Facebook or Twitter, you hope to see it liked and shared. That’s the whole point. It means you’re connecting with your audience and it also gets you more exposure for your brand. But if you’re not seeing the likes you’d like, there are some things you can do to get […]