Article marketing Success – Essential Ingredients- Day 2

Hi and welcome back to day 2 of my post covering what you need to know to ensure successful article marketing. I had someone ask me “why do you spread these posts over 2 days?” – valid question and I’ll tell you. For many when they first start out, and certainly it was the case for Sam & I you tend to read every little scrap of info you can lay your hands on initially.

But then you sit back and struggle to remember anything in depth. Information overload my friends is a huge problem for Internet marketing newcomers – so that’s why I try & deliver information in bite sized chunks – and hope it sticks.

So as promised Day 2. covers the final 2 ingredients to your article marketing success so read on and let me know what you think.

3rd Ingredient – High Quality, Informative And Helpful Content

It’s not all about keywords.  Keyword stuffed nonsense that offers no value to the readers is ignored by the search engines.  They’re looking for content that gives the reader value.  It has to be something that’s easy to read, original and provides some kind of information that helps people solve problems.  It should also be error-free.  Even one tiny misspelling or grammar slip-up can turn people off.

One of the main goals of your content is to establish authority.  You should convince the reader that you know what you’re talking about.  This is why mistakes look bad.  Another way to establish authority is to cite facts and statistics.  Do some research and provide information that’s a little bit unusual.  If you can create excellent content like this that is also keyword rich, you’ll have no trouble dominating the search engine results.

4th Ingredient – Linking Articles

Here’s a tiny detail that makes all the difference – Be sure that your article links back to your site.  It should be a live link that requires nothing more than a little mouse click.  Every article directory either lets you put live links in the article itself, or provides a “resource box” where you can promote yourself.  If readers like what you’re saying, they can click on this and find out more.  If you forget that link, don’t expect to see a lot of traffic!

So there you have it – these are the 4 ingredients that every article should have and if you make sure they’re included, you can’t go wrong.  These are what make or break an article marketing campaign or a website’s ranking in the major search engines.  A good article will grab the attention of Google with its keywords, keep the reader’s attention with its valuable content, and get them to click through to your site with the link in the resource box.

There’s loads more article writing and marketing tips on this site so do me a favour and check out some of our other posts on the subject, I really believe you’ll find some of the information quite useful.

Here’s to your own article marketing success


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