Are You Well Known? & For What?

Hi There

How you doing?

Very short today but vital info so don’t ignore please

Build “You” – The Brand

Becoming known in your field or niche is vital, especially if you contribute good sound information – people buy people first is a very true saying – look at it this way if Ive seen you often on a forum offering helpful advice for free and then I see you’re selling a product I need I’m more likely to buy from you than someone Ive never heard of – make sense?

As a side note, it is best to participate in forums because you intend to learn and contribute.  Many forums frown upon simply blasting a ton of useless messages for obvious self-promotional purposes.  You should actually participate and enjoy the primary benefits.  The information can help you improve what you deliver to your customers.  The networking aspect can also introduce you to new customers.  Plus, you will be able to help and contribute to others.  On top of all that, you get to enjoy the added benefit of forums for back links built to your website.

Word of Cauction Here…..

Trashy posts like “thanks for that – really like your post” are totally frowned upon and rightly so. Remember it’s all about adding value.



Owner:  Steps To Dot Com


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