Hi There
Your business world is not your entire life, as much as it may seem to be.
Your career is but one aspect of your life that also includes friends, family, and personal needs and issues. The only way to have success in your career is by having success in personal and social development. A balance must be struck.
True success cannot be had in one area of your life and not another.
This is how personal development, social development, and business development are all linked together.
Remember this please – it’s important

Personal development is about how you handle your life, thoughts, feelings, emotions, and reactions. Personal development techniques include goal setting, changing to a positive mind set, and learning to deal with all situations in a positive manner.
These skills will transfer to the workplace in business development. Without goal setting, time management skills, and positive thinking, a successful career is not possible.
Social development is about how you deal with other people. Obviously, people skills and social development are necessary for business development and a successful career. How you interact with your co-workers, your boss, and your customers, clients, or prospects is just as important as your actual work performance. Social development skills include situation management, stress management, problem solving, dispute resolution, and communication skills. Without proper social development, you cannot have a successful career.
So there you have it
Just to prove to you that I’m a real person, just an average guy who find’s himself needing to make money going into retirement (in a few years from now)But more importantly has a REAL DESIRE to get this “Online marketing” working and succeeding.
email me for any help I CAN PROVIDE