How I got into Gardening & Growing Fruit Trees
Having absolutely loathed gardening when I was a youngster as I grew up, moved away from home and got my own place the idea of having a pleasant garden area became a lot more appealing and I started to actually find gardening a really good form of relaxation from the stresses of everyday life unlike when I was a youngster and my Mum would force me to cut the lawn or do some weeding to “earn” my pocket money.
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I found walking around nursery’s quite fascinating, and the amount of knowledge you can pick up just talking to some of the very keen & expert gardeners you bump into is massive. I then started to develop different areas of my garden. An ornamental pond, flower beds and borders, hanging baskets, tubs & pots, a nice paved area for sitting out and barbeques, nothing over the top but just somewhere to relax with the family on a nice summer day.
Then I moved on to having a small vegetable patch as well, nothing is more rewarding than going outside and picking your own salad things, tomatoes and cucumber for that summer salad. I really did find vegetable gardening most fulfilling and started to experiment growing more difficult vegetables, with some success but by no means every time!!
Finally, I moved into fruit trees and as this short book illustrates my journey, some basic information to get you started and hopefully avoid the silly pitfalls that can happen to everyone. By no means is this the definitive guide, it’s not meant to be but hoping it will give you a starting point and enthuse you enough to get into the very rewarding hobby of growing your own fruit.