The benefits of being organized
You will feel better about yourself
You will feel calmer
Your world will smell and look sweeter
You will be more amicable
Friends and family will want to drop in
These are my Top 11 reasons and benefits to organisation – don’t take my word for it – try them yourself and see the results!
Your spouse and children will wear a brighter smile
You will have peaceful dreams
You will not stumble around your home
People will want to pay you more compliments
Your kitchen will smell more fragrant
Your soul can breathe better
Here’s a famous quote about the benefits or being organized
Have a time and place for everything, and do everything in its time and place, and you will not only accomplish more, but have far more leisure than those who are always hurrying ~Tryon Edwards~
But I hear you ask – Why be better organized?
Being busy will keep your mind off worry because you will not be thinking of two different things at one time. You can make good use of your time away from work to increase your knowledge of things and life, to work at a hobby or project, and then to relax and be content. This is good balance and when you are better balanced you are better organized.
Perhaps you are a single parent and in a bit of a time crunch each day. Make a point to sit and relax each day and plan. If you are careful you should be able to find just a few hours each day to apply yourself to being better organized.
“I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor.” – Henry Thoreau (1817-1862)
Most of us use only a small amount of our true capabilities and we can all do so much more. You can learn new things. This will give you knew purpose in life and a feeling of achievement. Read nonfiction books to increase your knowledge of everyday things in life and to learn new skills or to improve on existing ones. All of this will help you to be better organized.
The more organized you are the more time you will have for yourself. As you become better organized, take on a new after hours project. Start with something small and work your way up to devoting more and more time to your project. Perhaps you can take on a new woodworking project, for example. Once you complete it, you will feel good about yourself and how you are spending your new, organized time.
With a place for everything and everything in its place, you are freed up in body and mind to take on new endeavors.
If you are under a lot of stress, a more passive and relaxing undertaking might be just what you need, at least to start with. For just one day a week, or a few hours on certain days, set aside time for your own unique enjoyment. When you do this, staying organized will not feel as much of a chore. You will naturally wish to remain organized so that you will have more time for yourself.
Take a walk in the park, listen to lovely music, read an interesting novel, leisurely work in the yard, or watch a bit of TV, these are all of the perks in time from staying organized.
Want some help or advice then drop me an email and i’ll try to help
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