Hi and welcome back
Now we’ve all heard about “the money’s in the List” statement and to a degree its very true providing you know how to build and most importantly communicate with your list once you’ve developed.
I’m really excited about what we’re going to cover today! Building your list is one of the single most important things you’ll do online.
The gold is in the list! That’s what they say anyway, I wished I had $10 for every time one of those gurus made that statement when we attended workshops and seminars – but I tell you what they’re right! The truth is that if you have a list of very happy subscribers who like you and what you’re about, when you make an offer on that list, you get an instant payday. You’ll make an offer and when you wake up tomorrow morning, you’ve got money in your Paypal account. Ok that might be a bit of an exaggeration but you get my drift I trust? This my friends can be YOUR RETIREMENT PLAN !
Consider The Long Term – Don’t Short-Change Them Ever
Before we get to the 10 techniques for building your list, keep in mind always that this is a long-term relationship. You’re not getting their contact information just to hit them with a one-time deal and make out like a bandit. You need to build a loyal fan base. That’s what list building is all about. Then, you can make money with your list for years to come hopefully.
Tomorrow I’ll give you my Top 10 pointers and what I do, till then