Teach For Traffic – How To Use Tutorial Sites

Tutorial sites offer a great way to get traffic and almost nobody knows about them.  There are people out there hungry to learn how to do stuff in every single niche and you can be the one to teach them.  Your excellent video tutorials will get them clicking to your site for more of the valuable, high-quality info you provide.

Why Tutorials?

When you’re an Internet marketer, you’re also a teacher.  You’re sharing your interest with the world and teaching them how to do things that improve their lives, make them money, make them happy, etc.  Whether you realize it or not, you’re teaching people through your info products, website content, articles and auto responder messages.  Why not do it directly through tutorials?

Tutorials also help you to brand yourself as an authority in your niche.  Think about it – if you found a writing website run by a guy or gal who teaches writing workshops, doesn’t your image of that person’s authority shoot up suddenly?  You’re doing the same thing by producing tutorials.  It doesn’t bring you the cred that teaching offline workshops might, but it comes pretty close.

Another great reason to make tutorials is that it’s incredibly easy.  All you need is a program for recording video and some good content.  And content is easy to come up with.

How It’s Done:

Creating tutorial content is no different than creating written content.  What is something that you could teach your audience?  It doesn’t have to be anything advanced.  For example, teach them how to set up a WordPress blog.  That’s simple but lots of people are clueless about it.  Focus on how to do things and keep it simple.

Your tutorials can be just a few minutes long.  In fact, it’s a good idea to keep them short.  Don’t try to tackle everything.  If you’ve got something somewhat involved that you want to teach, break it up into steps and make a tutorial for each.

For example, if I were to make a tutorial on article marketing with Ezine Articles, I’d break it up into three – 1) how to write an article, 2) submitting articles to Ezine, and 3) monitoring stats.  This gives you three quick and easy tutorials that won’t overwhelm anybody, and you’ll get three for one.

Where To Submit Your Tutorials

The final step is to submit your tutorials.  The web is full of free tutorial sites where people go who are looking for ‘how to’ information.  These sites have the potential to send thousands of visitors to your site.

Just like article marketing, I recommend picking a handful and submitting.  Then watch your stats.  If one isn’t getting you traffic, drop it and look for another.  Unless you’ve got a good virtual assistant to do your submitting for you, it can become pretty time consuming and tedious.

Ok that’s it for today; seriously this is just another way of building your brand and giving more exposure to your online activities. Video is a great way of doing this and certainly helps to build your authority and reputation within your niches in which you operate. But the most important thing is to get started, and do it now

To your success


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