6 Ways to Monetize Your Blog without Losing Readers

Everybody wants to make money with their blog, but the most common methods for doing so can alienate readers. Your loyal followers who have been reading you since day one will feel cheated when you start plastering ads everywhere. You’ll be accused of selling out and lose a good number of them. But you can keep your readers while also making money with your blog and here are six proven ways to do it.Read on ……

Sell Your Own Ads

When you join an ad network, you make it easy to monetize your blog but you don’t have any control over what they put on your site. A better way is to sell your own ads. You can pick and choose which ads you show, and they can only be the ones that are most valuable and relevant to your readers. The only downside is that you have to seek advertisers and handle everything yourself. The advantage is that you have total control.

Promote Affiliates – Ethically

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make with a blog, but readers don’t like having products pushed on them. You can do this tactfully by only offering things you’re truly enthusiastic about and not doing it too much. Keep up your regular blogging schedule and make offers once in a while. A good approach is to start with Amazon promoting books you really like and think they’d like. Make it genuine and transparent. Let them know somewhere that this is an affiliate offer.

Write Sponsored Posts

A similar method to affiliate marketing is to do sponsored posts. These are posts where you get paid to review a business’s goods or services. You can go to sites like ReviewMe.com where you add your blog and can get offers for paid reviews. You don’t have to review anything you don’t like and, again, tell your readers it’s sponsored but you wouldn’t push anything on them you don’t love yourself.

Sell Your Own Books

This isn’t the most time-efficient method but it can be the most profitable – write your own ebooks and sell them through your blog. You can have a sidebar on the blog where you sell a whole list of titles. If your readers like you and your books are related to your blog’s topic, they’ll be happy to buy.

Premium Level Membership

A great monetization strategy that’s really hot right now is to split your content in half. Offer half or a portion for free, and the rest they can only get through a paid premium level membership. They’ll get hooked on your content and want more, and you can charge a membership fee so low they’ll hardly feel it.

Make and Sell Merch

Finally, you can make and sell your own merchandise. Make useful items like coffee mugs, mouse pads, pens and t-shirts with your blog’s name or logo on them. There are websites that will create your goods for you at low cost; you only need to provide them with the graphics.

Of course, there are many more ways to make money with a blog, but these are some of the easiest and most universal. They’ll work for just about any kind of blog and audience.



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