Monday Morning Blues – Get over It Now!!!

People talk about that Monday morning feeling – yea it’s not great but think about it this way if someone turned round to you and said today this Monday is your last on this earth and you believed them (for whatever reason) you’d have a totally different take on it-your mind-set would be totally different.

Everyone should live every day as through it is their last – we don’t I don’t but you should

People talk about procrastination, Oh I’ll do it tomorrow, next week, whatever – putting off till tomorrow what you can do today is the worst thing ever.

What has defined you, shaped you as a person

Tell me I really want to know – we all have key points/times/actions in our lives that make us what we are – good and bad, weak and strong

We are not all defined by our DNA most of us are defined by our life’s experiences

Never tell anyone your plans show them your results instead

How often do you hear someone say I hate my job/my boss but then do nothing – why?

Because it’s easier and safer to toe the line, bitxch and whine about your situation rather than getting off your arse and doing something about it

How often have you heard this??

I can’t, it’s not my fault, it’s alright for you, I don’t understand technology, it’s not for me – all are really shitty negative phrases that you hear all the time. One of my mentors says repeatedly on webinars “you’ve got the same tools I have – it’s called Google” what a great phrase

Now for me I’ve never been what I define as Poor or living on the streets –but I have experienced very little money – yes, needed to survive on a credit card- yes frequently – but that hasn’t stopped me trying to better myself, ive invested 1,000s into loads of different opportunities over the years – some I’ve tried to make work, others I haven’t (that shiny big box syndrome) but for me I just keep bouncing back to online marketing.

Here’s me back in February in Mexico – lovely country but what really makes it is the people. They are so helpful and genuinely nice, cannot do enough for you. Parts of Mexico are extremely poor, Mexicans who get jobs in the resorts consider themselves extremely lucky because if you live in a country with no welfare – you work or you starve – simple. That’s motivation Now I’m not saying its right but its the way it is.

So for all of you who moan but do nothing – think on!!!!

You’ve just got to keep going because that’s the only difference between those that succeed and those who stand still and ultimately fail – its really that simple!!!

To your success



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