Easy Ways to Promote – Using message Boards

Hi Guys

Think about your promotions

Business owners who use Internet marketing strategies such as posting on message boards to promote their business might want to consider asking customers to complete a short survey when making a purchase. This survey can include useful demographic information which is always helpful for marketing as well as information regarding where the customer learned of the products or services you offer.

Including the message board web address as one of the responses will give you a good indication of whether or not the message boards are helping to drive customers to your website.

You may also have some unofficial feedback in terms of the response to your postings on the message board. If the general consensus is in support of your posts, you may infer you are generating some interest in your business or website through this tactic.


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Finally, an Internet marketing strategy can be evaluated by studying website traffic results as well as sales receipts.

Anytime you implement a new Internet marketing strategy or technique it is worthwhile to study your website traffic reports and sales receipts carefully to determine whether or not there is a spike in either traffic or sales immediately after the marketing effort. For example, if you send out an e-newsletter to those who have requested additional information about your products or services, you may notice there is an increase in traffic or sales soon afterwards. This is a good indication the e-newsletter was well received and effective. However, if there is not a marked increase in traffic or sales subsequent to the e-newsletter it indicates the marketing effort was not effective.

Best Regards


(Tony Peroni to My Friends)


Owner:  Steps To Dot Com Success.com

Email: stepstodotcomsuccess@gmail.com

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