4 Essential Ingredients for Your Article Marketing Success – Day 1.

Hi there for any of you who’ve visited our blog before you’ll know that  I am a  great believer in the power of article marketing within your Internet marketing activity. There been loads of comment all across the internet that article marketing has had its day, may even be dead – well don’t believe it.

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It!

Talk to any successful internet marketing experts who are ‘doing it online’ making money and I’ll bet you that 99.9% will tell you that article marketing is a key tool in their online promotional arsenal. So for us we’ll believe the people making money and follow that gold trail.

Articles are essential for all kinds of online marketing today. It’s sometimes difficult to measure how important they are your websites and online businesses in the short term because the real benefit of article marketing is achieved over time. Consider the viral impact, you post to directories over time visitors and other website owners use your articles as content for their own sites thereby spreading your exposure – how cool is that!

Content is King

Content is basically the absolute king of the internet, and the quality of your articles determines how much traffic gets to your site, how you are viewed in your niche and ultimately are you a trusted source of key information.  In other words, it’s directly related to your profits.  If you want to be successful online, you’ve got to fill your site with great articles and distribute them through the directories. and there are some simple ingredients that all must have.

Hey if you want to bake a cake for your kids you need the right ingredients yes? Well here’s the right MIX for your article marketing cake. Today post gives you ingredients 1 & 2 and then watch out for tomorrow’s post which will finish the mix off with ingredients 3 & 4.

1st Ingredient – Keywords And Keyword Phrases

Your articles should always be written around keywords and keyword phrases.  Everybody online is looking for something, and they’re entering these terms into the search engines.  You should carefully choose keywords that get good traffic, have low competition and relate directly to your site and therefore your niche.  Whatever you find to be the best for drawing your target customers to your site, use these keywords as the basis for your site’s articles. Use a mixture of topline, long and short tail keywords and phrases.

Actually, even more important than traffic or competition is relevance.  It’s really important that the keywords you choose are directly related to your site.  Otherwise they’ll find your site, realize it’s not what they were looking for, and click away.  In other words, they’re totally useless.  For example, if your keywords are related to auto parts, your site had better have some info on auto parts!  There are lots of tools online (some are even free!) that you can use to help you determine which keywords are right for your site.

2nd Ingredient – Keyword Density

Once you’ve got the right keywords, you’ve got to know how to use them.  This is where keyword density comes into play.  You have to have a certain amount of keyword density in order for search engines to find you.  Keyword density is shown as a percentage.  It means what percent of the article is made up of keywords.  For example, an article with 2 percent keyword density will have the keyword used twice for every 100 words.

Higher keyword density means more relevance to your niche, right?  So you should use the keywords as much as possible!  Well, not exactly.  The truth is that finding the right keyword density is all about balance.  The keywords should be used often, but not so much that it’s unnatural.  The search engines consider content that is too dense to be spam.  If you read content like this yourself, you can easily see why.  Make sure to maintain a high enough density to get noticed by the search engines, but keep it sounding natural.

Ok so that’s it for today I certainly don’t want you suffering from information overload, tommow I’ll deliver the last 2 ingredients to finish off the mix, so until then

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