Why Must I Split test?? – Here’s Why

Hi There

Here’s a few more tips on split testing that you really should try.

Split Testing Your Website

Although you should split test absolutely everything you do, I’m going to focus on just a few things.  The most important thing is to split test your website.

There are lots of ideas about how your site should be designed.  These conflicting ideas can make your head spin.  So, ignore them and find out yourself.  Should you use a sidebar or not?  How big should your header be?  What colours work best for text, background and Buy Now Buttons?  Test all of these because tiny design details can make a huge difference in terms of sales.

Media is a really important thing to split test.  Yes, videos do work better for sales pages.  But you should toy around with placement, length, the video’s contents, etc.  You should also mess around with screenshots and images to see what works.

You’ll probably see the most dramatic differences when you split test your copy.  Changing up your copy can raise your conversions by well over 50%.  Try out long versus short.  Try different placements and wordings for your call to action.  Move your testimonials around.  All of this will make a difference.

Isn’t it incredible that you can make such a difference without changing your products and services at all!

Split Test Everything – here’s some key areas

I’ve given you some ideas on split testing your website.  Well, as I said before, you should test everything.  This includes:

Auto responder Messages – Changing your subject line can make a tremendous difference.  So can link placement and email copy.  The great thing is that AWeber and other auto responder programs let you easily track everything.

EBooks – If you change your eBook covers or covers for other electronic products this can give you a boost in sales.

Ads – You should never think about running a single ad; always make a few alternate versions and see which ones get impressions.

Finally, just a few tips on split testing the right way.  For one thing, always experiment by changing only one element.  If you change everything, you’ll have no idea what made the difference.

You should also keep split testing.  Keep tweaking and see what makes a difference.  Log all of your results so that you can refer back to them.  This is how you create a marketing strategy that works.

That’s it for split testing.  You’ll be busy now!  Seriously though, once you start going it, you get hooked.



Owner:  Steps To Dot Com Success.com

Email: stepstodotcomsuccess@gmail.com

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